Pearl Harbor 70th anniversary
Some 100
survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor will gather in Hawaii today 70 years
after the day which drew the US into World War II. The Japanese air and naval
strike on the American military base claimed nearly 2,400 lives, destroyed over
160 aircraft and beached, damaged or destroyed over 20 ships. President
Franklin D. called it " a date which will live in infamy" when he
addressed the Congress the next day asking to declare war with Japan. --
Lloyd Young (
35 photos total)
of the attack on Pearl Harbor wait outside before starting their tour of the
USS Arizona Memorial at the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument
in Honolulu Dec. 5. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters)
Harbor survivor Richard Mayo talks to US Navy Chief Nixon Galan at the
"Remembrance Wall" on the Arizona Memorial at the World War II Valor
in the Pacific National Monument in Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. 5. Some 100 aging
Pearl Harbor Survivors will attend ceremonies on Dec. 7th in Oahu marking the
70th anniversary of the Japanese air and naval assault. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters) |
Region Hawaii Honor Guard march past a photograph of Pearl Harbor survivor Lee
Soucy during the interment ceremony for Soucy Dec. 6 in Honolulu. Soucy, who
died last year at the age of 90, wanted to have his ashes interred inside the
USS Utah, his ship that sank during the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor. (Marco Garcia/Associated Press) |
Region Hawaii Honor Guard seaman Nick Marrero, of Greenville, Texas, holds an
urn with the ashes of Pearl Harbor survivor Lee Soucy during Soucy's interment
ceremony Dec. 6. (Marco Garcia/Associated Press) |
Navy divers carry the remains of Pearl Harbor survivor Lou Soucy, to be
interred on the USS Utah, during a memorial ceremony on Ford Island in
Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 6. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters) |
US Navy sailor plays taps for Pearl Harbor survivor Lou Soucy, whose remains
were being interred on the USS Utah, during a memorial ceremony on Ford Island
Dec. 6. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters) |
B-17 bomber flies by a Pearl Harbor memorial service on the 70th anniversary of
the attacks Dec. 7 in Phoenix, AZ. (Matt York/Associated Press) |
Harbor survivor Edward Borucki participates in the "Walk of Honor"
during the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor at the World War II Valor
in the Pacific National Monument in Honolulu Dec. 7. (Hugh Gentry/Reuters) |
sailors stand at attention, the USS Chung-Hoon sails past the USS Arizona
Memorial during the Pearl Harbor memorial ceremony on Dec. 7 in Pearl Harbor.
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor Naval
Base which pulled the US into a war with Japan. (Marco Garcia/Associated Press)
Harbor Survivors Nelson Mitchell, 91 (left) and Marvin Rewerts, 89 walk past
the USS Arizona Memorial after placing a wreath there at the Pearl Harbor
Remembrance Day ceremonies Dec. 7 in Phoenix. (Ross D. Franklin/Associated
Press |
War II Veteran with the Navy WAVES, Helen Coyte, raises her arms as the 108th
Army Band performs "Anchors Aweigh" at the Peal Harbor Remembrance
Day ceremonies Dec. 7 in Phoenix. (Ross D. Franklin/Associated Press) |
Harbor survivors stand at attention during the National Anthem during the Pearl
Harbor memorial ceremony Dec. 7 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Today marks the 70th
anniversary of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor Naval Base which pulled the
US into a war with Japan. (Marco Garcia/Associated Press) |
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